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Climate importing: Understanding Europe’s proposed climate trade rules

Trade tensions surround prospective launch of Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The clear-cut case against ISDS with Indonesia

Forestry-related firms made regular use of NAFTA’s controversial but expiring investor-state dispute settlement process. Why is Canada opening the door to ISDS claims from Indonesian forestry giants?

Pourquoi les licences obligatoires seraient-elles insuffisantes dans l’avenir ?

Manifestement, la mise en pratique des licences obligatoires est loin d’être une panacée.

Unions win the right to challenge unfair trade practices

Workers achieved a long-fought-for trade victory in the 2022 federal budget: trade unions will soon have the right to file trade complaints against unfair imports, something only domestic producers could do before now.

CUSMA has shown it can defend labour rights, but is it enough to bring lasting change to Mexican workers?

This July marked the second anniversary of the new Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), the renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Using trade preferences to raise labour standards and protect human rights

Canada’s trade preference programs should be improved to raise living standards and improve working conditions and environmental policies

CETA at five: working as intended but not as promised

In some areas, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is worse than we predicted. We present five reasons why we’re not celebrating its fifth anniversary.

Hunt for interprovincial trade barriers is stalling Canada’s post-pandemic reconstruction

Trade agreement doesn't age well in a post-pandemic reality, with little mention of worker protections, environmental policy, or critical infrastructure.

MC12: a failure of international health diplomacy

Corporate lobbying and WTO pressure-cooker tactics killed the TRIPS waiver. Countries must find the courage to take on Big Pharma at home.

Clashing Canadian and U.S. Indo-Pacific strategies

Where the U.S. has signalled worker-centred partnerships in Asia, Canada is pursuing more corporate trade deals.

WTO compromise on TRIPS waiver is a disgrace

After 18 months of haggling, a leaked counter-proposal covering only vaccines has global health advocates fuming

How to break the bias in Canada’s gender and trade agenda

How the government measures “inclusive trade” may undermine the policy’s feminist goals

Sunny ways for Canadian solar?

Canada’s trade win over U.S. tariffs on solar product imports is a good thing, but a regional strategy for decarbonization is where the money—and climate potential—really is.

How (not) to make a North American car

The CUSMA automotive rules-of-origin dispute in perspective