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Tax Policy & Tax Fairness

Will a higher capital gains tax inclusion rate double corporate investments?

The answer is that actually, tax policy has almost nothing to do with corporate investment

Workers’ income is 100% taxable. Capital gains should be too

How long are we going to pretend like the capital gains inclusion rate is a middle class issue?

Canada’s shift to a more regressive tax system, 2004 to 2022

Canada's tax system is flat for most Canadians and regressive for the top 20 per cent of households.

Will the capital gains tax change affect you? Only if you’re part of Canada’s 0.13 per cent.

The business lobby is spinning the tax increase as a middle class issue. It’s not.

A modest proposal

Canadian cities could raise tens of millions of dollars with one tool

The fight over carbon pricing is missing the point

Carbon pricing fight a dangerous distraction from real climate policy

AFB 2024: Taxation

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on taxation

Canada has waited long enough to tax the tech giants

Canada’s new Digital Services Tax (DST) will draw trade flack, but that’s no reason not to move ahead with it.

Alberta squandered the Heritage Fund—but it's not too late to fix it

Three alternate histories of the Heritage Fund show what could have been if politicians had been more forward-thinking.

Ottawa is flush with cash but signals caution as recession looms

The federal government just released its latest fiscal update. CCPA senior economist David Macdonald has the details.

Federal Budget 2022: What we're watching for

This budget could herald the beginning of a Pearsonian period of progressive policy making

Profit squeeze: Excess corporate profits are making inflation tougher for Canadians

Twenty-six per cent of higher inflation for Canadian households is being driven by excess profits

Why Ontario needs to raise more revenue

Ontario has lagged behind other provinces for a long time

Playing the Long Game: Keeping Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy diverse and sustainable

The province would be prudent to prioritize keeping essential services public

The Big Reset: Setting up Newfoundland and Labrador for failure

Privatization of liquor. Asset sales. Public service cuts. Saskatchewan went down this road out of deficit fears. It didn’t work. Other provinces should heed this lesson.