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Food Justice

Genetically modified corn trade fight heats up in Mexico

Much-watched CUSMA case raises public morals and environmental justifications for Mexican food measures—and first-of-its-kind Indigenous Peoples’ defence

AFB 2024: Food security

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on food security

Canada and the U.S. are using free trade rules to attack Mexican food sovereignty

Ongoing USMCA case will test the agreement’s bias in favour of biotech companies and genetically modified foods

Farmers can't rely on corporate-controlled GM crops for climate solutions

It’s theoretically possible to us GM as a climate solution—but in reality, it will worsen corporate industrial agriculture.

Pressure’s on Canada’s grocery giants

They’ve been enjoying excess profits throughout the pandemic.

Cost of food at a crisis level

As we grapple with yet another wave of COVID, the parallel poverty crisis in Toronto has been exacerbated past its breaking point and will have enduring societal impacts.

Hungry for more? Monitor resource list

Our favourite books, podcasts and articles exploring issues related to decolonizing the food justice movement, dismantling anti-fat bias and more!

Settler work: Answering the call

Digging into reconciliation, the TRC calls to action and the role of settlers in repairing harm

First do no harm? Weight stigma by the numbers

Decolonizing the food justice movement also requires us to examine the deeply held anti-fat biases that permeate many of these spaces. The Monitor Index details how deep this bias goes and how damaging it is.

Learning to raise and cook food from nana, not a book

Bress 'n' Nyam and the Black farmers who are returning to the countryside to steward the land.

Anti-Black racism in Canada’s food sector

Black food is inextricably linked to Black freedom.

Canadian landlords can be hostile to African food

In July 2019, I and two Black African friends settled into a new apartment in Ottawa. I quickly guessed that our “African food” would become a racial tinder box.

The gentrification of food: A Mexican example

Mexico City’s Pujol is considered by international critics as one of Mexico’s most prestigious restaurants. But Enrique Olvera has built his prestige upon the appropriation of traditional Mesoamerican ingredients, making his dishes palatable to mainly white and international audiences.

Demanding justice: Can trade policy be fair?

What role can international trade agreements play in combatting climate change and closing gender gaps?

It’s time to decolonize food

Decolonizing food means much more than being choosy about where you harvest and source your meats and veggies. It’s about being aware that every decision you make has an effect on everything, including what you choose to put in your body.