What is the "rental wage" in my neighborhood?
Rental costs are out of control is cities across the country. We broke down what you need to earn to afford an apartment in every neighborhood in Canada.
Ricardo Tranjan (he/him) is a political economist and senior researcher with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ Ontario office. He is the author of The Tenant Class. Find him on Twitter at @ricardo_tranjan.
Rental costs are out of control is cities across the country. We broke down what you need to earn to afford an apartment in every neighborhood in Canada.
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Part 1: Rent control, rent freezes, vacancy controls—the terms can be hard to keep track of. This is your reference guide.
Part 2: In theory, Canada’s most populous province has protection for tenants. In practice, landlords can find lots of ways to hike up rents.
Part 3: Landlords systematically use AGI applications to bypass provincial guidelines
Part 4: Landlords and developers love scientific-sounding arguments against rent control. There’s just one problem—they’re not true.
Part 5: The policy solutions to skyrocketing rents are quite straightforward—but enacting them means taking on the power of landlords and developers
Part 6: Tenants in Ontario have resources available to defend themselves against landlords—and against bad-faith anti-tenant arguments. Here are a few of them.
There is no province in Canada where workers can afford an apartment at minimum wage. The neighborhood-level data paints a dire picture of out-of-control rents.
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