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The Monitor Progressive news, views and ideas
The latest in progressive news, views and ideas

Monitor Online

Workers’ income is 100% taxable. Capital gains should be too

How long are we going to pretend like the capital gains inclusion rate is a middle class issue?

Do we really want Ontarians to drink more?

New alcohol plan ignores true costs

The Bank of Canada is starting to cut interest rates. It’s about time.

The central bank has been worsening the housing affordability crisis

The federal government still has time to improve the 2024 budget—will it?

CCPA senior economist David Macdonald’s remarks to the Senate committee on Bill C-69, which would implement the 2024 federal budget

Policy Solutions for a Better Saskatchewan

Addressing climate change, fixing the health care crisis, investing in public education—we’ve got a progressive platform featuring real ideas, real solutions.

Feds put climate on the budget backburner

Shift Storm newsletter—April 2024 edition

Big business is the most important barrier to fairness for fossil fuel workers

Downsizing, consolidation, "efficiency measures" and automation have consistently shown oil and gas companies to be a bigger threat to oil workers than government policies.

Quebec is cutting arts funding. Artists are fighting back.

Culture workers are organizing to bring arts funding back into the provincial budget

L’Ontario a perdu 5 000 enseignants depuis 2018

Combien d’employés votre conseil scolaire a-t-il perdu ces dernières années?

Sarah Jama is fighting for more than just the keffiyeh

The Ontario legislature’s expulsion of Jama exposes the limits of liberal inclusion—it’s about the struggle against settler colonialism, in Canada and in Palestine

Penicillin the right prescription for Canada in pandemic agreement negotiations

Instead of undermining technology transfer provisions, Canada once played a key role in disseminating breakthrough medical technology

Ontario has lost 5,000 classroom educators since 2018

How many staff has your school board lost in the past few years?

Ecuadorians reject corporate courts in national referendums

Canada must heed opposition to investor-state dispute settlement and rethink trade deal with Ecuador

Are we spending enough on climate?

Shift Storm newsletter—March 2024 edition