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Monitor Online

Genetically modified corn trade fight heats up in Mexico

Much-watched CUSMA case raises public morals and environmental justifications for Mexican food measures—and first-of-its-kind Indigenous Peoples’ defence

Budget 2024: Has the government seen the light?

Canada’s latest federal budget has some real gains in it—and some really frustrating half-measures

Will the capital gains tax change affect you? Only if you’re part of Canada’s 0.13 per cent.

The business lobby is spinning the tax increase as a middle class issue. It’s not.

Budget 2024 pushes new climate action down the road

It is too soon for the federal government to rest on its climate laurels.

Federal government goes big on housing—is it enough?

2024 federal budget makes biggest investments in housing, care economy in generations with its second-to-last budget before an election

Fiscal folly in Ontario: New report reveals a cheapskate province

Financial Accountability Office paper is essential reading for every Ontarian

France is right to reject CETA free trade deal with Canada

It would be a political mistake for PMs Trudeau and Attal to dismiss discontent with the Canada-EU trade deal

Cities are central to resolving the challenges of our time

Cities have long been seen as engines that drive prosperity but a new fiscal arrangement is needed that allows them to tackle the serious issues of our time.

Canadian policy innovations

Some cities are making small changes to create more accessible spaces

Cities are central to capitalism—and could be central to its undoing

Capitalism and urbanization are deeply tied to one another—but what might a liberated city look like?

Cities could be the engines for addressing crises—if we push them

It is time for more cities to bring forward policies and practices for economic, social and climate justice as their primary goal

The intersectional city

Applying an intersectional lens to multi-layered challenges in urban settings can lead the way to greater empowerment of community members in cities.

#Blocksidewalk, the last progressive NIMBY effort?

#Blocksidewalk was a grassroots campaign that shut down Google's attempt to turn Toronto into a surveillance-driven "smart city"

Regina’s road rage

The city's infrastructure is dominated by the automobile

Watch Your Step, Buster!

Guess who first normalized pedestrian shaming

Taking back our cities

We can shape the future of urban life