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The Monitor Progressive news, views and ideas



Economic recovery for whom? For all the talk of recovery, many women and gender-diverse people are still struggling

As we head into budget season, the question we should be asking is: recovery for whom?

Charting a way forward in Budget 2022

Opening remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance regarding the 2022 federal budget on Feb. 3, 2022

Self-checkout education

The deprofessionalizing, dehumanizing and demoralizing impacts of online education

Navigating the crisis continuum in public education

COVID-19 has been a devastating disruptor

What can governments do to combat inflation? A lot

Tackling inflation can be part of a public-led recovery—it only requires government to reduce or maintain prices in areas they control.

Patching up Canada’s income security net: Lessons from the pandemic

The big question now for Canada is whether, by design or default, we will revert to the “same old, same old” after the crisis.

Oppression will try to steal your ability to dream. Don’t let it.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionately high impact on Black communities. It’s exceptionally difficult to produce a vision of freedom in such rough times. But we must keep freedom dreaming.

Access after COVID-19: How disability culture can transform life and work

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed the necessity of changing people’s taken-for-granted understandings of disability, to provoke a transformation in how people perceive living with disability and difference.

A $15 minimum wage: Workers paid a steep price for the three-year delay

Minimum wage workers could ill-afford the cost of these lost wages.

Marked absent: navigating the post-secondary policy landscape

Students are more than political “changemaker” talking points

COVID-19 didn’t kill neoliberalism; we must do it ourselves

It is becoming increasingly clear that our 40-year nightmare is not over. It's up to us, argues Tranjan, to end it once and for all.

A well-being approach to governance

The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the strong connections between health and broader social, economic and political circumstances. It's time for a well-being approach to governance that is capable of addressing these connections.

Big change

Five readings to help us understand what’s needed and what it will take