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The Monitor Progressive news, views and ideas



It’s time for Canada to support the WTO TRIPS waiver

Canada must help lower-income countries get control over COVID-19 vaccine technology

COVID-19 and workers: A year later, support is urgently needed

Every worker needs to know that they can stay home if sick and not see a gap in their wages.

Canada and the COVID-19 waiver

An unethical position that needs to change.

How to create a paid sick leave plan for Ontario

It’s not rocket science—a strong provincial sick leave plan can be created quickly by following a few basic principles.

The Day of Mourning is April 28. The time for paid sick leave is now

For labour activists, it’s a sombre occasion—sadness layered over a base of quiet anger. But this year that anger won’t be quiet. Not a chance.

Budget 2021 analysis: Does it deliver?

Federal Budget 2021 was expected to deliver between $70-100B in COVID-19 recovery funds. Does it deliver and will funds be allocated in meaningful ways? Our experts weigh in.

Third-party funding of investor–state disputes: At what cost?

The economic turmoil unleashed by the pandemic is expected to lead to a boom in the number of ISDS claims. Law firms are not the only ones hoping to profit from the surge.

One year later: Canadian billionaire wealth up by $78 billion

One year into the COVID-19 pandemic that has upended the lives of millions of people in this country, Canadian billionaires have increased their wealth by $78 billion.

Record deficits? You mean record surpluses, for dirt cheap

The interest rate the federal government pays on debt hasn’t been this low since the Second World War (and possibly earlier).

Budget Watch 2021: The rebuild must start with the care economy

Both Prime Minister Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland reiterated their commitment to lay the groundwork for a Canada-wide system of child care at the Liberal Policy Convention this past weekend.

Can we dare to hope?

Pandemic living on the margins

Disabled Canadians have been sidelined from—and by—many COVID-19 response measures. How can we learn from this experience to build greater equity going forward?

The upcoming federal budget: The stakes could not be higher

Will the budget put muscle behind the oft-repeated Liberal "real change” mantra?

What CERB recipients can expect at tax time

The CERB was a critical support for many workers impacted by pandemic closures. For low-wage workers, the benefit funds were likely used to cover critical expenses. As such, it's unlikely that Canadians living below the poverty line will have money set aside for their pending CERB tax bill.

Fighting on all fronts

The pandemic has exacerbated the existing crisis that migrants live in as a result of being denied basic rights and protections.

Investments in the care economy a missed opportunity in Nova Scotia budget

The pandemic has exposed the disastrous result of government cuts to vital investments, especially in health care and long-term care. Does the latest budget undo the damage?

Are multinational companies owed compensation for COVID-19 emergency measures?

In the context of COVID-19, state restrictions requiring businesses to close, price controls over health equipment, and emergency support programs could all give rise to costly investor–state dispute settlement suits.