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It’s time for Canada to support the WTO TRIPS waiver

Canada must help lower-income countries get control over COVID-19 vaccine technology

Canada and the COVID-19 waiver

An unethical position that needs to change.

A Just Border Carbon Adjustment? A Primer

Canada, the United States and Europe are all considering ways to tax imports to fend off carbon leakage—outsourcing to countries where there is no carbon tax or environmental protections are less strict. Here's what you need to know.

Budget 2021 analysis: Does it deliver?

Federal Budget 2021 was expected to deliver between $70-100B in COVID-19 recovery funds. Does it deliver and will funds be allocated in meaningful ways? Our experts weigh in.

Third-party funding of investor–state disputes: At what cost?

The economic turmoil unleashed by the pandemic is expected to lead to a boom in the number of ISDS claims. Law firms are not the only ones hoping to profit from the surge.

Budget Watch 2021: How Canada can budget for Buy America

Canadian business is understandably concerned about Buy America conditions on Biden’s US$2.3-trillion COVID recovery plan. But lobbying U.S. governments for waivers for Canadian suppliers can only get us so far. In addition, the Trudeau government should increase the pool of transit, water and green energy projects these firms can bid on—by attaching sustainable and social purchasing criteria to badly needed public infrastructure upgrades here in Canada.

Are multinational companies owed compensation for COVID-19 emergency measures?

In the context of COVID-19, state restrictions requiring businesses to close, price controls over health equipment, and emergency support programs could all give rise to costly investor–state dispute settlement suits.