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Public Services & Privatization

Ontario’s rosy revenue picture isn’t helping public services

If new revenues go to tax cuts, not public services, we will all pay the price

Finding the funding

Remarks to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding the 2022-23 Ontario budget on Jan. 19, 2022

As revenues boom, Queen’s Park tightens the screws

The biggest bite will come out of health care.

Marked absent: navigating the post-secondary policy landscape

Students are more than political “changemaker” talking points

Underspending at Queen’s Park should set off alarms

At no time in the last decade has an Ontario government underspent its annual targets by 6.6%.

Platform Crunch: Is health care on trial during the pandemic election?

Health care is rightly taking center stage during this pandemic election and much is at stake.

Proposed health cuts would be most severe in Newfoundland and Labrador’s history

In fact, they would be the most severe cuts to health care that any province has implemented, ever.

No plan, big problem

The pandemic response is showing that undermining state planning capacity for four decades has resulted in states with low planning capacity. Who could have expected this?

Province has fiscal room to stop the suffering and serve the public interest

Austerity during a time of economic crisis is more damaging than previously thought, still, Manitoba continues apace with its privatization agenda.