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The Monitor Progressive news, views and ideas



Canada’s silent crisis

Teachers left waiting at the bargaining table

Leaps and bounds

Understanding the Carleton University Contract Instructors and Teaching Assistants’ strike (spring 2023)

Monitoring the situation

CCPA materials illuminate lessons on inequality

Student debt relief would be a win for working class Canadians

Despite bad-faith arguments from opponents, the data makes clear that debt-holders are poorer than the average

Student debt is a gateway to lifelong financial instability

The structure of student debt forces debt-holders into precarious financial positions early in life—and its difficult to get out

When it comes to higher education costs, tuition is just the tip of the iceberg

Making postsecondary education affordable means more than reducing fees

“Parental choice” is a dog-whistle—let’s recognize it as such

It’s less about choice, and more about privilege, privatization, populism, and patriarchy

Le financement des écoles ajusté à l’inflation a chuté de 1 200 $ par élève en Ontario

Le programme idéologique dirigé contre l’éducation publique se déploie à plein régime — les compressions financières se conjuguant à des changements de structures de gouvernance.

Inflation-adjusted school funding is down $1,200 per student since the Ford government came to power

The ideological agenda against public education is in high gear—with funding cuts coupled with structural governance changes.

Sask. Budget 2023: One weird trick to underfund public services

Faced with a crisis in health care and underfunded schools, the government of Saskatchewan is using its huge surplus to pay down the deficit.

Education: Inequality’s solution or great reinforcer?

For the unlucky children born on the lower rungs of Canada's ladder of inequality, accessing quality education is hard. It doesn't need to be this way.

Student debt is out of control in Canada

The history of student debt in Canada paints a dire picture of a worsening situation for students and graduates. It's time governments take it seriously.