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The Monitor Progressive news, views and ideas
The Voice Of Progressive Education In Canada

Our Schools / Our Selves

How public funding for private options reinforces school segregation in Quebec

Erika Shaker, in conversation with Anne Plourde, researcher at l’Institut de Recherche et d’Informations Socioéconomiques (IRIS)

​​Citizenship education: It’s about more than the curriculum

It’s been a few months since I defended my dissertation on provincial public education policies in Canada (particularly in relation to students and citizenship) and I’ve had some time to both (not) think about, and reflect on my research with a little bit of distance.

Self-checkout education

The deprofessionalizing, dehumanizing and demoralizing impacts of online education

Navigating the crisis continuum in public education

COVID-19 has been a devastating disruptor

Failed Screen Test: Hybrid learning and the misuse of online education in Ontario

Districts confronting a third year of disruption, with a mandate to deliver full-time online education, are normalizing the pandemic hybrid model.

L'insolvabilité de l'Université Laurentienne reflète une crise structurelle du système universitaire néolibéral en Ontario

Les gouvernements ontariens ont successivement réduit leurs subventions publiques envers les revenus d'exploitation des universités d'environ 80 % en 1980 à environ 50 % en 2004, et à seulement 38 % en 2017.

Laurentian University insolvency reflects a structural crisis in Ontario’s neoliberal university system

Ontario governments have reduced their public grants for university operating revenues from a level at about 80% in 1980 to around 50% in 2004, and to only 38% in 2017.

The effects of Law 21 on Education Faculties in Quebec: “We don’t want people like you here”

By effectively barring Muslim women with hijabs from working as teachers, the Law diminishes the religious diversity of the population of Quebec school teachers.

Lesson Here

What we can learn from the West Virginia teachers' strike