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The Bank of Canada is starting to cut interest rates. It’s about time.

The central bank has been worsening the housing affordability crisis

Cutting interest rates would reduce housing costs—and inflation

High housing costs are the key driver of inflation in Canada, and the biggest immediate driver of housing costs are Bank of Canada interest rates

Beleaguered federal government unlikely to turn the page with restrained fiscal update

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland talks up housing and affordability while austerity looms

Canada is building fewer homes today than during pandemic economy shutdown

Interest rate hikes are behind the collapse of new housing

Unions are having a moment in Canada. Will they seize it?

With increased worker militancy, high cost of living, and majority public support, labour has a window of opportunity right now

Canadian workers are realizing that strikes beat inflation

Prices are not going to go down to what they were before. If workers want to keep their purchasing power, we need to fight for it.

Corporate profits are driving food price inflation

Remarks to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Committee of the House of Commons

New Data: Bank of Canada's rate hikes are making inflation worse

While they might have helped in the summer of last year, interest rate hikes are now actually increasing inflation.

Where are your inflation dollars going?

CCPA Senior Economist David Macdonald breaks down the numbers by creating a new methodology, which shows that corporate profits are eating up the vast majority of the extra inflation dollars, far outpacing increased labour costs or other expenses.

Women’s earnings lag behind high rates of inflation

Bumpy Ride Fall 2022 Update #5: Women's salaries are failing to keep up with inflation—a look at the latest numbers

Low-wage workers are most exposed to spiralling costs

Bumpy Ride Fall 2022 Update #3: Fall 2022 labour force data shows that pandemic-vulnerable sectors still have not recovered from COVID-19.

Ottawa is flush with cash but signals caution as recession looms

The federal government just released its latest fiscal update. CCPA senior economist David Macdonald has the details.

Pressure’s on Canada’s grocery giants

They’ve been enjoying excess profits throughout the pandemic.

Nova Scotia’s minimum wage workers deserve a real raise

The cost of living has gone up but the minimum wage hasn’t kept pace.

Dangerous liaisons: Canada’s toxic mix of interest rate hikes and private debt

The combination of rising interest rates and high private debt catapults Canada into the top third most dangerous economic periods since the Second World War. If the Bank of Canada hikes interest rates by 0.5% or more in September, we’d move into second place.

The devil’s crowbar: how the right weaponizes inflation

The brand of turbo-charged capitalism that we call “neoliberalism” arrived in North America on a rising tide of inflation.