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Monitor Online

After the flood, they mapped land ownership

Land ownership matters—and mapping it out is a powerful tool in the just transition toolbox

Candidate forums can foster a collaborative climate movement

A Manitoba example of using the 5D framework for organizing

When governments fail us

Governments at all levels are abdicating their responsibility in the climate crisis. That doesn't mean all is lost.

Why Canada needs grassroots climate organizing

The climate crisis is a problem too big for anyone to solve on their own.

Funding peer support for mental health should be a key component of a national strategy

The federal government hasn’t fulfilled its promises on mental health. It should immediately scale up funding for peer support services

Some Canadian lawmakers want to go after whistleblowers in agriculture

Agricultural gag or “ag-gag” laws have slowly gained a foothold in Canada, putting animals, workers, the public and the planet at risk

Canadian workers are realizing that strikes beat inflation

Prices are not going to go down to what they were before. If workers want to keep their purchasing power, we need to fight for it.

How much is $8.28 billion? Greenbelt giveaway is a gold mine

With that kind of money, developers could buy 60,000 brand new Cadillacs — or 100 high-end private jets

AFB 2024: Building momentum—A federal budget for now and the future

The Alternative Federal Budget for 2024 shows what the federal government could achieve on a range of issues if it were ambitious

The federal government could make real progress on housing affordability

Federal cabinet ministers are meeting in Charlottetown to discuss the housing crisis

For the Saskatchewan Party, by-elections are deja-vu all over again.

With an upstart right-wing party making rural gains, and the NDP making gains in cities, where will the Saskatchewan Party go?

Canada has waited long enough to tax the tech giants

Canada’s new Digital Services Tax (DST) will draw trade flack, but that’s no reason not to move ahead with it.

Canada’s double-standard in economic relations with Africa

The Canada-Africa Economic Cooperation Strategy is an opportunity to cancel treaties that can hamper sustainable development and human rights

Greenbelt scandal: What does “accountability” mean?

There’s no sign that anybody will face real consequences for the $10 billion giveaway

Ontario cut real per capita spending by 3.6 per cent last year

“All sectors spent less than planned,” Financial Accountability Office says.