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Labour & Worker's Rights

AFB 2024: Gender Equality

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on gender equality

AFB 2024: Immigration

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on immigration

Fossil fuel workers are organizing to lead a just transition

An interview with Iron and Earth, which helps oil and gas workers transition to renewables and the net-zero economy

Canada’s silent crisis

Teachers left waiting at the bargaining table

Leaps and bounds

Understanding the Carleton University Contract Instructors and Teaching Assistants’ strike (spring 2023)

Alberta carries on as the world burns

Shift Storm newsletter—May 2023 edition

Does growth work for everyone in Saskatchewan?

Breaking down some of the latest economic data shows deeply unequal division of riches in the province

The future of union leadership: It takes a village

Workers are emboldened and frustrated. We need to build on the unity we feel in this moment.

Rebuilding the working class

Organized workers have the power to fundamentally transform the economy

A day in the life of migrant workers

Migrant workers are a large and growing part of the Canadian workforce—and face particular hurdles from employers and governments.

Non-union workers in Canada deserve the right to collective action too

The United States has explicit protections for collective action in the workplace. Canada doesn’t—but some creative legal challenges could bring it about.

Ontario’s Bill 28 is dead. Now what?

Laura Walton talks organizing, leadership, and the future of the labour movement.

We Can Do It: New leadership in Canada’s labour movement

There's a lot of new blood in Canadian labour leadership. We asked them what leadership means to them.

Gig work tensions are not going away soon

Uber workers are still getting the short end of the stick