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Health Care

I’m a dentist. It’s time for public dental care in Canada

I see the failures of the privatized insurance system every day. We have a chance to start fixing it.

Funding peer support for mental health should be a key component of a national strategy

The federal government hasn’t fulfilled its promises on mental health. It should immediately scale up funding for peer support services

Revitalizing the conditions of care in Manitoba

The outsized burden placed on continuing care workers by the pandemic has in many ways gotten heavier.

Why did Canada's housing and dental benefits have such low take-up rates?

We need to do better at getting benefits to those who need them.

A hit-and-miss budget: Canada’s 2023 federal budget moves on climate and dental—but avoids almost everything else

Investments in a clean economy, dental care, and a GST top-up stole the show; many other needed investments have gone missing.

Sask. Budget 2023: One weird trick to underfund public services

Faced with a crisis in health care and underfunded schools, the government of Saskatchewan is using its huge surplus to pay down the deficit.

Canada’s cosy relationship with the pharmaceutical industry has a long history

News of government cooperation with the industry isn’t a surprise; it’s been going on for decades.

No strings attached

There’s more money on the table—but without adequate strings attached, the provinces could end up spending it on tax cuts instead of fixing health care.

Premiers must Reject Privatization to Secure Federal Healthcare Funding

As premiers meet again with feds over healthcare transfers, let’s understand why the last meeting was a failure.

The crisis in the care economy shows no sign of letting up

Bumpy Ride Fall 2022 Update #6: Workers in the care economy have been battered over the past two years, and that crisis shows no signs of slowing.

Pourquoi les licences obligatoires seraient-elles insuffisantes dans l’avenir ?

Manifestement, la mise en pratique des licences obligatoires est loin d’être une panacée.

The pandemic has accelerated the exit of older workers

Bumpy Ride Fall 2022 Update #4: A new trend is emerging—women workers taking early retirement, especially in pandemic-affected industries.

Revenue losses now $7.5 billion a year under Ford

If Doug Ford wants to make the case for more federal health funding, throwing away money is not the way to do it

Ontario health spending will be too low if the 2022 budget is passed

Provincial underfunding of health care has consequences for all Ontarians

Nova Scotia health plan leaves out reproductive health

Having campaigned on a promise to fix Nova Scotia’s health care system, on April 22, 2022, new Premier Tim Houston, released Action for Health: A Strategic Plan for Nova Scotia. Despite its stated objective of establishing an “equitable and respectful health ecosystem”, the plan fails to include a single mention of women, pregnancy, sexual or reproductive health.

A reason to smile: National dental care is a smart health care investment

The federal Liberal-NDP agreement has resulted in the first step toward a national dental care program, starting with children. There’s a strong case to grow this public investment