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Neoliberalism is like a zombie that won’t die

July/August 2023 Issue

From the Editor

Neoliberalism is like a zombie that won’t die

Neoliberalism is about power, but it’s also about the stories we tell

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In this Issue

How to kill a zombie or the strange persistence of neoliberalism

Since the pandemic, many observers have proclaimed the death of neoliberalism—but is it really dead?

10 years later: Lessons from the Lac-Mégantic rail disaster have not been heeded

It's been 10 years since an oil train killed 47 people in Lac-Mégantic. Decision-makers haven't learned the lessons of the disaster.

Neoliberalism is like a zombie that won’t die

Neoliberalism is about power, but it’s also about the stories we tell

Dawn of the Debt

Governments aren’t households—and their budgets don’t act like them

The pretense that Canada’s immigration system isn’t racist persists

Canada's immigration system is fundamentally based on exploitation of racialized workers.

Vampire consulting firms in the public service

Like a vampire, consulting firms are suave and sophisticated actors that aim to gain the trust of their targets.

Zombie climate change denial: we’re in the “bargaining” stage

The fossil fuel industry is moving away from outright denial, and towards negotiating for their version of an energy transition.

CCPA Summer Reads

Here's what CCPA staff are reading this summer

Ancient minimum wage trope just won’t die

Minimum wage earners are not basement-dwelling unskilled teenagers—the data tells the real story


Authors appearing in this issue

Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell (he/him) is a former executive director of the CCPA. He is Adjunct Professor, York University, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change; Senior Fellow, Toronto Metropolitan University, Centre for Free Expression.

Jon Milton

Jon Milton

Jon Milton is a senior communications specialist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives national office. He's on Twitter at @514jon
Catherine Bryan

Catherine Bryan

Catherine Bryan is an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Dalhousie University and the chair of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Nova Scotia Office’s Research Advisory Committee.

David Macdonald

David Macdonald

David Macdonald (he/him) is a senior economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Follow him on Twitter at @DavidMacCdn.

Bill Longstaff

Bill Longstaff

Bill Longstaff is a Calgary writer whose books include Democracy Undone: The Practice and the Promise of Self-governance in Canada and No Free Lunch and Other Myths. He blogs at

Alex Himelfarb

Alex Himelfarb

Alex Himelfarb (he/him) is the chair of the CCPA national office board, former Clerk of the Privy Council and academic, and chair or member of several voluntary sector organizations.

Simon Enoch

Simon Enoch

Simon Enoch (he/him) is Director of the Saskatchewan Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Regina. Find him on twitter at @simon_enoch

Craig Pickthorne

Craig Pickthorne

Craig Pickthorne is Director of Communications with the Ontario Living Wage Network.

Ahmed Mezil

Ahmed Mezil

Ahmed Mezil is owner of Hellamaid