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The Monitor Progressive news, views and ideas


Funding peer support for mental health should be a key component of a national strategy

The federal government hasn’t fulfilled its promises on mental health. It should immediately scale up funding for peer support services

Some Canadian lawmakers want to go after whistleblowers in agriculture

Agricultural gag or “ag-gag” laws have slowly gained a foothold in Canada, putting animals, workers, the public and the planet at risk

Canadian workers are realizing that strikes beat inflation

Prices are not going to go down to what they were before. If workers want to keep their purchasing power, we need to fight for it.

How much is $8.28 billion? Greenbelt giveaway is a gold mine

With that kind of money, developers could buy 60,000 brand new Cadillacs — or 100 high-end private jets

AFB 2024: Immigration

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on immigration

AFB 2024: First nations

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve for First Nations

AFB 2024: Public services

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on public service

AFB 2024: Food security

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on food security

AFB 2024: Racial equality

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on racial equality

AFB 2024: Affordable housing and homelessness

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on affordable housing and homelessness

AFB 2024: Gender Equality

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on gender equality

AFB 2024: Regulation

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on regulation

AFB 2024: Arts and culture

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve in arts and culture

AFB 2024: Health care

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on health care

AFB 2024: Seniors’ care

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on seniors’ care

AFB 2024: Child care

Alternative Federal Budget: what the federal government could achieve on child care