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Recharging North America: The Trade Issue

The neoliberal rules-based international order is straining under pressure. Can we imagine a different, more cooperative and equitable way forward?

November 1, 2022

0-minute read

The 1980s were an era of great debate over the right’s push for a “free trade” agenda that the CCPA, among many other progressive organizations, warned would cost jobs, weaken environmental standards, and lock in neoliberal austerity.

It’s no fun saying we told you so, but today the sad signs that we were right are unmistakable—from unmitigated climate change to stagnating incomes to widening inequality in much of the world. This issue of the Monitor looks at the cracks in the neoliberal consensus with respect to trade—including in the United States—and how Canada should respond.

All that and more in this edition of the Monitor.

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